Higher Realms Loyalty Rewards Program!

Higher Realms Loyalty Rewards Program!

Members of the Higher Realms loyalty rewards program earn Beans on purchases, referrals, and for completing simple task.

Every purchase you make from Higher Realms earns you 25 Beans. Once you have a total of 100 Beans, you can redeem them for a 10% discount on your next purchase. Get up to a 12% discount on your next purchase when you redeem a total of 200 Beans, or save up to 400 Beans and redeem them for a 15% discount!

Want to save even more? Get free shipping on your next purchase when you redeem a total of 500 Beans!

Members can also earn Beans through our official referral program. Simply share your referral link to earn Beans, plus we gift Beans to everyone that joins through it!

Unlock even more savings by elevating up our VIP member tiers! All of our customers are VIPs to us. That’s why every loyalty member is automatically enrolled as a Bronze VIP member. The more beans you earn the higher the tier you go unlocking discounts along the way.

Clink the “Rewards” button on the bottom right-hand corner of our homepage to join today and start elevating your wellbeing and savings with Higher Realms!


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